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Using the --exclude_pattern option

Use the --exclude-pattern option to tell RSpec to skip looking for specs in files that match the pattern specified.


Given a file named "spec/models/model_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "two specs here" do
it "passes" do

it "passes too" do

And a file named "spec/features/feature_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "only one spec" do
it "passes" do

By default, RSpec runs files that match "**/*_spec.rb"

When I run rspec

Then the output should contain "3 examples, 0 failures".

The --exclude-pattern flag makes RSpec skip matching files

When I run rspec --exclude-pattern "**/models/*_spec.rb"

Then the output should contain "1 example, 0 failures".

The --exclude-pattern flag can be used to pass in multiple patterns, separated by comma

When I run rspec --exclude-pattern "**/models/*_spec.rb, **/features/*_spec.rb"

Then the output should contain "0 examples, 0 failures".

The --exclude-pattern flag accepts shell style glob unions

When I run rspec --exclude-pattern "**/{models,features}/*_spec.rb"

Then the output should contain "0 examples, 0 failures".

The --exclude-pattern flag can be used with the --pattern flag

When I run rspec --pattern "spec/**/*_spec.rb" --exclude-pattern "spec/models/*_spec.rb"

Then the output should contain "1 example, 0 failures".