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Using when_first_matching_example_defined hook

In large projects that use RSpec, it's common to have some expensive setup logic that is only needed when certain kinds of specs have been loaded. If that kind of spec has not been loaded, you'd prefer to avoid the cost of doing the setup.

The when_first_matching_example_defined hook makes it easy to conditionally perform some logic when the first example is defined with matching metadata, allowing you to ensure the necessary setup is performed only when needed.


Given a file named "spec/spec_helper.rb" with:

RSpec.configure do |config|
config.when_first_matching_example_defined(:db) do
require "support/db"

And a file named "spec/support/db.rb" with:

RSpec.configure do |config|
config.before(:suite) do
puts "Bootstrapped the DB."

config.around(:example, :db) do |example|
puts "Starting a DB transaction."
puts "Rolling back a DB transaction."

And a file named ".rspec" with:

--require spec_helper

And a file named "spec/unit_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "A unit spec" do
it "does not require a database" do
puts "in unit example"

And a file named "spec/integration_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "An integration spec", :db do
it "requires a database" do
puts "in integration example"

Running the entire suite loads the DB setup

When I run rspec

Then it should pass with:

Bootstrapped the DB.
Starting a DB transaction.
in integration example
Rolling back a DB transaction.
.in unit example

Running just the unit spec does not load the DB setup

When I run rspec spec/unit_spec.rb

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should not contain "DB".