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Message Chains

You can use receive_message_chain in place of receive in certain circumstances to stub a chain of messages:

allow(double).to receive_message_chain("") { :baz }
allow(double).to receive_message_chain(:foo, :bar => :baz)
allow(double).to receive_message_chain(:foo, :bar) { :baz }

Given any of these three forms: # => :baz

Common use in Rails/ActiveRecord:

allow(Article).to receive_message_chain("recent.published") { [] }

receive_message_chain is designed to be used with evaluating a response like and_return, and_yield etc. For legacy reasons, parity with stub_chain is supported but its uses are not considered good practice. Support for stub_chain parity may be removed in future versions.

Customisations like exactly (i.e. exactly(2).times) are not supported.


Chains can be arbitrarily long, which makes it quite painless to violate the Law of Demeter in violent ways, so you should consider any use of receive_message_chain a code smell. Even though not all code smells indicate real problems (think fluent interfaces), receive_message_chain still results in brittle examples. For example, if you write allow(foo).to receive_message_chain(:bar, :baz => 37) in a spec and then the implementation calls, the stub will not work.

Chaining with receive_message_chain creates ambiguity in how the chains should be applied and applies design pressure on complex interactions in the implementation code. As such receive_message_chain is not a perfect replacement for receive. (see Issue 921 for a more detailed explanation). Other mocking methods like double and instance_double provide a better way of testing code with these interactions.

Use receive_message_chain on a double

Given a file named "receive_message_chain_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "Using receive_message_chain on a double" do
let(:dbl) { double }

example "using a string and a block" do
allow(dbl).to receive_message_chain("") { :baz }
expect( eq(:baz)

example "using symbols and a hash" do
allow(dbl).to receive_message_chain(:foo, :bar => :baz)
expect( eq(:baz)

example "using symbols and a block" do
allow(dbl).to receive_message_chain(:foo, :bar) { :baz }
expect( eq(:baz)

When I run rspec receive_message_chain_spec.rb

Then the examples should all pass.

Use receive_message_chain on any instance of a class

Given a file named "receive_message_chain_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "Using receive_message_chain on any instance of a class" do
example "using a string and a block" do
allow_any_instance_of(Object).to receive_message_chain("") { :baz }
expect( eq(:baz)

example "using symbols and a hash" do
allow_any_instance_of(Object).to receive_message_chain(:foo, :bar => :baz)
expect( eq(:baz)

example "using symbols and a block" do
allow_any_instance_of(Object).to receive_message_chain(:foo, :bar) { :baz }
expect( eq(:baz)

When I run rspec receive_message_chain_spec.rb

Then the examples should all pass.