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Configurable colors

RSpec allows you to configure the terminal colors used in the text formatters.

  • failure_color: Color used when tests fail (default: :red)
  • success_color: Color used when tests pass (default: :green)
  • pending_color: Color used when tests are pending (default: :yellow)
  • fixed_color: Color used when a pending block inside an example passes, but was expected to fail (default: :blue)
  • detail_color: Color used for miscellaneous test details (default: :cyan)

Colors are specified as symbols. Options are :black, :red, :green, :yellow, :blue, :magenta, :cyan, :white, :bold_black, :bold_red, :bold_green, :bold_yellow, :bold_blue, :bold_magenta, :bold_cyan, and :bold_white,

Customizing the failure color

Given a file named "custom_failure_color_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.configure do |config|
config.failure_color = :magenta
config.color_mode = :on

RSpec.describe "failure" do
it "fails and uses the custom color" do
expect(2).to eq(4)

When I run rspec custom_failure_color_spec.rb --format progress

Then the failing example is printed in magenta.

Customizing the failure color with a custom console code

Given a file named "custom_failure_color_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.configure do |config|
config.failure_color = "1;32"
config.color_mode = :on

RSpec.describe "failure" do
it "fails and uses the custom color" do
expect(2).to eq(4)

When I run rspec custom_failure_color_spec.rb --format progress

Then the failing example is printed wrapped in "1;32".