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Composing Matchers

RSpec's matchers are designed to be composable so that you can combine them to express the exact details of what you expect but nothing more. This can help you avoid writing over-specified brittle specs, by using a matcher in place of an exact value to specify only the essential aspects of what you expect.

The following matchers accept matchers as arguments:

  • change { }.by(matcher)
  • change { }.from(matcher).to(matcher)
  • contain_exactly(matcher, matcher, matcher)
  • end_with(matcher, matcher)
  • include(matcher, matcher)
  • include(:key => matcher, :other => matcher)
  • match(arbitrary_nested_structure_with_matchers)
  • output(matcher).to_stdout
  • output(matcher).to_stderr
  • raise_error(ErrorClass, matcher)
  • start_with(matcher, matcher)
  • throw_symbol(:sym, matcher)
  • yield_with_args(matcher, matcher)
  • yield_successive_args(matcher, matcher)

Note that many built-in matchers do not accept matcher arguments because they have precise semantics that do not allow for a matcher argument. For example, equal(some_object) is designed to pass only if the actual and expected arguments are references to the same object. It would not make sense to support a matcher argument here.

All of RSpec's built-in matchers have one or more aliases that allow you to use a noun-phrase rather than verb form since they read better as composed arguments. They also provide customized failure output so that the failure message reads better as well.

A full list of these aliases is out of scope here, but here are some of the aliases used below:

  • be < 2 => a_value < 2
  • be > 2 => a_value > 2
  • be_an_instance_of => an_instance_of
  • be_within => a_value_within
  • contain_exactly => a_collection_containing_exactly
  • end_with => a_string_ending_with, ending_with
  • match => a_string_matching
  • start_with => a_string_starting_with

For a full list, see the API docs for the RSpec::Matchers module.

Composing matchers with change

Given a file named "change_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "Passing matchers to `change`" do
specify "you can pass a matcher to `by`" do
k = 0
expect { k += 1.05 }.to change { k }.
by( a_value_within(0.1).of(1.0) )

specify "you can pass matchers to `from` and `to`" do
s = "food"
expect { s = "barn" }.to change { s }.
from( a_string_matching(/foo/) ).
to( a_string_matching(/bar/) )

When I run rspec change_spec.rb

Then the examples should all pass.

Composing matchers with contain_exactly

Given a file named "contain_exactly_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "Passing matchers to `contain_exactly`" do
specify "you can pass matchers in place of exact values" do
expect(["barn", 2.45]).to contain_exactly(

When I run rspec contain_exactly_spec.rb

Then the examples should all pass.

Composing matchers with end_with

Given a file named "end_with_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "Passing matchers to `end_with`" do
specify "you can pass matchers in place of exact values" do
expect(["barn", "food", 2.45]).to end_with(
a_value > 2

When I run rspec end_with_spec.rb

Then the examples should all pass.

Composing matchers with include

Given a file named "include_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "Passing matchers to `include`" do
specify "you can use matchers in place of array values" do
expect(["barn", 2.45]).to include( a_string_starting_with("bar") )

specify "you can use matchers in place of hash values" do
expect(:a => "food", :b => "good").to include(:a => a_string_matching(/foo/))

specify "you can use matchers in place of hash keys" do
expect("food" => "is good").to include( a_string_matching(/foo/) )

When I run rspec include_spec.rb

Then the examples should all pass.

Composing matchers with match:

Given a file named "match_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "Passing matchers to `match`" do
specify "you can match nested data structures against matchers" do
hash = {
:a => {
:b => ["foo", 5.0],
:c => { :d => 2.05 }

expect(hash).to match(
:a => {
:b => a_collection_containing_exactly(
:c => { :d => (a_value < 3) }

When I run rspec match_spec.rb

Then the examples should all pass.

Composing matchers with output

Given a file named "output_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "Passing matchers to `output`" do
specify "you can pass a matcher in place of the output (to_stdout)" do
expect {
print 'foo'
}.to output(a_string_starting_with('f')).to_stdout
specify "you can pass a matcher in place of the output (to_stderr)" do
expect {
warn 'foo'
}.to output(a_string_starting_with('f')).to_stderr

When I run rspec output_spec.rb

Then the examples should all pass.

Composing matchers with raise_error

Given a file named "raise_error_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "Passing matchers to `raise_error`" do
specify "you can pass a matcher in place of the message" do
expect {
raise RuntimeError, "this goes boom"
}.to raise_error(RuntimeError, a_string_ending_with("boom"))

When I run rspec raise_error_spec.rb

Then the examples should all pass.

Composing matchers with start_with

Given a file named "start_with_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "Passing matchers to `start_with`" do
specify "you can pass matchers in place of exact values" do
expect(["barn", "food", 2.45]).to start_with(

When I run rspec start_with_spec.rb

Then the examples should all pass.

Composing matchers with throw_symbol

Given a file named "throw_symbol_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "Passing matchers to `throw_symbol`" do
specify "you can pass a matcher in place of a throw arg" do
expect {
throw :pi, Math::PI
}.to throw_symbol(:pi, a_value_within(0.01).of(3.14))

When I run rspec throw_symbol_spec.rb

Then the examples should all pass.

Composing matchers with yield_with_args

Given a file named "yield_with_args_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "Passing matchers to `yield_with_args`" do
specify "you can pass matchers in place of the args" do
expect { |probe|
}.to yield_with_args(a_string_matching(/foo/))

When I run rspec yield_with_args_spec.rb

Then the examples should all pass.

Composing matchers with yield_successive_args

Given a file named "yield_successive_args_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "Passing matchers to `yield_successive_args`" do
specify "you can pass matchers in place of the args" do
expect { |probe|
[1, 2, 3].each(&probe)
}.to yield_successive_args(a_value < 2, 2, a_value > 2)

When I run rspec yield_successive_args_spec.rb

Then the examples should all pass.

Composing matchers using a compound and expression

Given a file named "include_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "Passing a compound matcher expression to `include`" do
example do
expect(["food", "drink"]).to include( a_string_starting_with("f").and ending_with("d"))

When I run rspec include_spec.rb

Then the examples should all pass.