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Null object doubles

Test doubles are strict by default, raising errors when they receive messages that have not been allowed or expected. You can chain as_null_object off of double in order to make the double "loose". For any message that has not explicitly allowed or expected, the double will return itself. It acts as a black hole null object, allowing arbitrarily deep method chains.

as_null_object allows arbitrarily deep message chains and returns itself

Given a file named "as_null_object_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "as_null_object" do
it "returns itself" do
dbl = double("Some Collaborator").as_null_object
expect( be(dbl)

When I run rspec as_null_object_spec.rb

Then the examples should all pass.

Individual methods can still be allowed or expected

Given a file named "as_null_object_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "as_null_object" do
it "can allow individual methods" do
dbl = double("Some Collaborator", :foo => 3).as_null_object
allow(dbl).to receive(:bar).and_return(4)

expect( eq(3)
expect( eq(4)

When I run rspec as_null_object_spec.rb

Then the examples should all pass.