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--failure-exit-code option (exit status)

The rspec command exits with an exit status of 0 if all examples pass, and 1 if any examples fail. The failure exit code can be overridden using the --failure-exit-code option.

A passing spec with the default exit code

Given a file named "ok_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "ok" do
it "passes" do

When I run rspec ok_spec.rb

Then the exit status should be 0

And the examples should all pass.

A failing spec with the default exit code

Given a file named "ko_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "KO" do
it "fails" do
raise "KO"

When I run rspec ko_spec.rb

Then the exit status should be 1

And the output should contain "1 example, 1 failure".

A nested failing spec with the default exit code

Given a file named "nested_ko_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "KO" do
describe "nested" do
it "fails" do
raise "KO"

When I run rspec nested_ko_spec.rb

Then the exit status should be 1

And the output should contain "1 example, 1 failure".

Exit with 0 when no examples are run

Given a file named "a_no_examples_spec.rb" with:

When I run rspec a_no_examples_spec.rb

Then the exit status should be 0

And the output should contain "0 examples".

A failing spec and --failure-exit-code is 42

Given a file named "ko_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "KO" do
it "fails" do
raise "KO"

When I run rspec --failure-exit-code 42 ko_spec.rb

Then the exit status should be 42

And the output should contain "1 example, 1 failure".