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Using the --only-failures option

The --only-failures option filters what examples are run so that only those that failed the last time they ran are executed. To use this option, you first have to configure config.example_status_persistence_file_path, which RSpec will use to store the status of each example the last time it ran.

There's also a --next-failure option, which is shorthand for --only-failures --fail-fast --order defined. It allows you to repeatedly focus on just one of the currently failing examples, then move on to the next failure, etc.

Either of these options can be combined with another a directory or file name; RSpec will run just the failures from the set of loaded examples.


Given a file named "spec/spec_helper.rb" with:

RSpec.configure do |c|
c.example_status_persistence_file_path = "examples.txt"

And a file named ".rspec" with:

--require spec_helper
--order random
--format documentation

And a file named "spec/array_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe 'Array' do
it "checks for inclusion of 1" do
expect([1, 2]).to include(1)

it "checks for inclusion of 2" do
expect([1, 2]).to include(2)

it "checks for inclusion of 3" do
expect([1, 2]).to include(3) # failure

And a file named "spec/string_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe 'String' do
it "checks for inclusion of 'foo'" do
expect("food").to include('foo')

it "checks for inclusion of 'bar'" do
expect("food").to include('bar') # failure

it "checks for inclusion of 'baz'" do
expect("bazzy").to include('baz')

it "checks for inclusion of 'foobar'" do
expect("food").to include('foobar') # failure

And a file named "spec/passing_spec.rb" with:

puts "Loading passing_spec.rb"

RSpec.describe "A passing spec" do
it "passes" do
expect(1).to eq(1)

And I have run rspec once, resulting in "8 examples, 3 failures".

Running rspec --only-failures loads only spec files with failures and runs only the failures

When I run rspec --only-failures

Then the output from "rspec --only-failures" should contain "3 examples, 3 failures"

And the output from "rspec --only-failures" should not contain "Loading passing_spec.rb".

Combine --only-failures with a file name

When I run rspec spec/array_spec.rb --only-failures

Then the output should contain "1 example, 1 failure"

When I run rspec spec/string_spec.rb --only-failures

Then the output should contain "2 examples, 2 failures".

Use --next-failure to repeatedly run a single failure

When I run rspec --next-failure

Then the output should contain "1 example, 1 failure"

And the output should contain "checks for inclusion of 3"

When I fix "spec/array_spec.rb" by replacing "to include(3)" with "not_to include(3)"

And I run rspec --next-failure

Then the output should contain "2 examples, 1 failure"

And the output should contain "checks for inclusion of 3"

And the output should contain "checks for inclusion of 'bar'"

When I fix "spec/string_spec.rb" by replacing "to include('bar')" with "not_to include('bar')"

And I run rspec --next-failure

Then the output should contain "2 examples, 1 failure"

And the output should contain "checks for inclusion of 'bar'"

And the output should contain "checks for inclusion of 'foobar'"

When I fix "spec/string_spec.rb" by replacing "to include('foobar')" with "not_to include('foobar')"

And I run rspec --next-failure

Then the output should contain "1 example, 0 failures"

And the output should contain "checks for inclusion of 'foobar'"

When I run rspec --next-failure

Then the output should contain "All examples were filtered out".

Running rspec --only-failures with spec files that pass doesn't run anything

When I run rspec spec/passing_spec.rb --only-failures

Then it should pass with "0 examples, 0 failures".

Clear error given when using --only-failures without configuring example_status_persistence_file_path

Given I have not configured example_status_persistence_file_path

When I run rspec --only-failures

Then it should fail with "To use --only-failures, you must first set config.example_status_persistence_file_path.".