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The basic structure (describe/it)

RSpec is a DSL for creating executable examples of how code is expected to behave, organized in groups. It uses the words "describe" and "it" so we can express concepts like a conversation:

"Describe an account when it is first opened." "It has a balance of zero."

The describe method creates an example group. Within the block passed to describe you can declare nested groups using the describe or context methods, or you can declare examples using the it or specify methods.

Under the hood, an example group is a class in which the block passed to describe or context is evaluated. The blocks passed to it are evaluated in the context of an instance of that class.

One group, one example

Given a file named "sample_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "something" do
it "does something" do

When I run rspec sample_spec.rb -fdoc

Then the output should contain:

does something

Nested example groups (using context)

Given a file named "nested_example_groups_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "something" do
context "in one context" do
it "does one thing" do

context "in another context" do
it "does another thing" do

When I run rspec nested_example_groups_spec.rb -fdoc

Then the output should contain:

in one context
does one thing
in another context
does another thing