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Setting the default spec path

You can just type rspec to run all specs that live in the spec directory.

This is supported by a --default-path option, which is set to spec by default. If you prefer to keep your specs in a different directory, or assign an individual file to --default-path, you can do so on the command line or in a configuration file (for example .rspec).

NOTE: this option is not supported on RSpec.configuration, as it needs to be set before spec files are loaded.

Run rspec with default default-path (spec directory)

Given a file named "spec/example_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "an example" do
it "passes" do

When I run rspec

Then the output should contain "1 example, 0 failures".

Run rspec with customized default-path

Given a file named ".rspec" with:

--default-path behavior

Given a file named "behavior/example_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "an example" do
it "passes" do

When I run rspec

Then the output should contain "1 example, 0 failures".