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Profiling examples (--profile)

The --profile command line option (available from RSpec.configure as #profile_examples), when set, will cause RSpec to dump out a list of your slowest examples. By default, it prints the 10 slowest examples, but you can set it to a different value to have it print more or fewer slow examples. If --fail-fast option is used together with --profile and there is a failure, slow examples are not shown.


Given a file named "spec/spec_helper.rb" with:

And a file named "spec/example_spec.rb" with:

require "spec_helper"

RSpec.describe "something" do
it "sleeps for 0.1 seconds (example 1)" do
sleep 0.1
expect(1).to eq(1)

it "sleeps for 0 seconds (example 2)" do
expect(2).to eq(2)

it "sleeps for 0.15 seconds (example 3)" do
sleep 0.15
expect(3).to eq(3)

it "sleeps for 0.05 seconds (example 4)" do
sleep 0.05
expect(4).to eq(4)

it "sleeps for 0.05 seconds (example 5)" do
sleep 0.05
expect(5).to eq(5)

it "sleeps for 0.05 seconds (example 6)" do
sleep 0.05
expect(6).to eq(6)

it "sleeps for 0.05 seconds (example 7)" do
sleep 0.05
expect(7).to eq(7)

it "sleeps for 0.05 seconds (example 8)" do
sleep 0.05
expect(8).to eq(8)

it "sleeps for 0.05 seconds (example 9)" do
sleep 0.05
expect(9).to eq(9)

it "sleeps for 0.05 seconds (example 10)" do
sleep 0.05
expect(10).to eq(10)

it "sleeps for 0.05 seconds (example 11)" do
sleep 0.05
expect(11).to eq(11)

By default does not show profile

When I run rspec spec

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should not contain "example 1"

And the output should not contain "example 2"

And the output should not contain "example 3"

And the output should not contain "example 4"

And the output should not contain "example 5"

And the output should not contain "example 6"

And the output should not contain "example 7"

And the output should not contain "example 8"

And the output should not contain "example 9"

And the output should not contain "example 10"

And the output should not contain "example 11".

Setting profile_examples to true shows 10 examples

Given a file named "spec/spec_helper.rb" with:

RSpec.configure { |c| c.profile_examples = true }

When I run rspec spec

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should contain "Top 10 slowest examples"

And the output should contain "example 1"

And the output should not contain "example 2"

And the output should contain "example 3"

And the output should contain "example 4"

And the output should contain "example 5"

And the output should contain "example 6"

And the output should contain "example 7"

And the output should contain "example 8"

And the output should contain "example 9"

And the output should contain "example 10"

And the output should contain "example 11".

Setting profile_examples to 2 shows 2 examples

Given a file named "spec/spec_helper.rb" with:

RSpec.configure { |c| c.profile_examples = 2 }

When I run rspec spec

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should contain "Top 2 slowest examples"

And the output should contain "example 1"

And the output should not contain "example 2"

And the output should contain "example 3"

And the output should not contain "example 4"

And the output should not contain "example 5"

And the output should not contain "example 6"

And the output should not contain "example 7"

And the output should not contain "example 8"

And the output should not contain "example 9"

And the output should not contain "example 10"

And the output should not contain "example 11".

Setting profile examples through CLI using --profile

When I run rspec spec --profile 2

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should contain "Top 2 slowest examples"

And the output should contain "example 1"

And the output should not contain "example 2"

And the output should contain "example 3"

And the output should not contain "example 4"

And the output should not contain "example 5"

And the output should not contain "example 6"

And the output should not contain "example 7"

And the output should not contain "example 8"

And the output should not contain "example 9"

And the output should not contain "example 10"

And the output should not contain "example 11".

Using --no-profile overrules config options

Given a file named "spec/spec_helper.rb" with:

RSpec.configure { |c| c.profile_examples = true }

When I run rspec spec --no-profile

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should not contain "example 1"

And the output should not contain "example 2"

And the output should not contain "example 3"

And the output should not contain "example 4"

And the output should not contain "example 5"

And the output should not contain "example 6"

And the output should not contain "example 7"

And the output should not contain "example 8"

And the output should not contain "example 9"

And the output should not contain "example 10"

And the output should not contain "example 11".

Using --profile with --fail-fast shows slow examples if everything passes

When I run rspec spec --fail-fast --profile

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should contain "Top 10 slowest examples"

And the output should contain "example 1"

And the output should not contain "example 2"

And the output should contain "example 3"

And the output should contain "example 4"

And the output should contain "example 5"

And the output should contain "example 6"

And the output should contain "example 7"

And the output should contain "example 8"

And the output should contain "example 9"

And the output should contain "example 10"

And the output should contain "example 11".

Using --profile shows slow examples even in case of failures

Given a file named "spec/example_spec.rb" with:

require "spec_helper"

RSpec.describe "something" do
it "sleeps for 0.1 seconds (example 1)" do
sleep 0.1
expect(1).to eq(1)

it "fails" do

When I run rspec spec --profile

Then the output should contain "2 examples, 1 failure"

And the output should contain "Top 2 slowest examples"

And the output should contain "example 1".

Using --profile with --fail-fast doesn't show slow examples in case of failures

Given a file named "spec/example_spec.rb" with:

require "spec_helper"

RSpec.describe "something" do
it "sleeps for 0.1 seconds (example 1)" do
sleep 0.1
expect(1).to eq(1)

it "fails" do

When I run rspec spec --fail-fast --profile

Then the output should not contain "Top 2 slowest examples"

And the output should not contain "example 1".

Using --profile with slow before hooks includes hook execution time

Given a file named "spec/example_spec.rb" with:

RSpec.describe "slow before context hook" do
before(:context) do
sleep 0.2

context "nested" do
it "example" do
expect(10).to eq(10)

RSpec.describe "slow example" do
it "slow example" do
sleep 0.1
expect(10).to eq(10)

When I run rspec spec --profile 1

Then the output should report "slow before context hook" as the slowest example group.