The contain_exactly
matcher provides a way to test arrays against each other in a way
that disregards differences in the ordering between the actual and expected array.
For example:
expect([1, 2, 3]).to contain_exactly(2, 3, 1) # pass
expect([:a, :c, :b]).to contain_exactly(:a, :c ) # fail
This matcher is also available as match_array
, which expects the expected array to be
given as a single array argument rather than as individual splatted elements. The above
could also be written as:
expect([1, 2, 3]).to match_array [2, 3, 1] # pass
expect([:a, :c, :b]).to match_array [:a, :c] # fail
Array is expected to contain every value
Given a file named "contain_exactly_matcher_spec.rb" with:
RSpec.describe [1, 2, 3] do
it { contain_exactly(1, 2, 3) }
it { contain_exactly(1, 3, 2) }
it { contain_exactly(2, 1, 3) }
it { contain_exactly(2, 3, 1) }
it { contain_exactly(3, 1, 2) }
it { contain_exactly(3, 2, 1) }
# deliberate failures
it { contain_exactly(1, 2, 1) }
When I run rspec contain_exactly_matcher_spec.rb
Then the output should contain "7 examples, 1 failure"
And the output should contain:
Failure/Error: it { contain_exactly(1, 2, 1) }
expected collection contained: [1, 1, 2]
actual collection contained: [1, 2, 3]
the missing elements were: [1]
the extra elements were: [3]
Array is not expected to contain every value
Given a file named "contain_exactly_matcher_spec.rb" with:
RSpec.describe [1, 2, 3] do
it { is_expected.to_not contain_exactly(1, 2, 3, 4) }
it { is_expected.to_not contain_exactly(1, 2) }
# deliberate failures
it { is_expected.to_not contain_exactly(1, 3, 2) }
When I run rspec contain_exactly_matcher_spec.rb
Then the output should contain "3 examples, 1 failure"
And the output should contain:
Failure/Error: it { is_expected.to_not contain_exactly(1, 3, 2) }
expected [1, 2, 3] not to contain exactly 1, 3, and 2