The satisfy
matcher is extremely flexible and can handle almost anything you want to
specify. It passes if the block you provide returns true:
expect(10).to satisfy { |v| v % 5 == 0 }
expect(7).not_to satisfy { |v| v % 5 == 0 }
The default failure message ("expected [actual] to satisfy block") is not very descriptive or helpful. To add clarification, you can provide your own description as an argument:
expect(10).to satisfy("be a multiple of 5") do |v|
v % 5 == 0
Basic usage
Given a file named "satisfy_matcher_spec.rb" with:
RSpec.describe 10 do
it { satisfy { |v| v > 5 } }
it { is_expected.not_to satisfy { |v| v > 15 } }
# deliberate failures
it { is_expected.not_to satisfy { |v| v > 5 } }
it { satisfy { |v| v > 15 } }
it { is_expected.to_not satisfy("be greater than 5") { |v| v > 5 } }
it { satisfy("be greater than 15") { |v| v > 15 } }
When I run rspec satisfy_matcher_spec.rb
Then the output should contain all of these:
| 6 examples, 4 failures |
| expected 10 not to satisfy expression v > 5
| expected 10 to satisfy expression v > 15
| expected 10 not to be greater than 5 |
| expected 10 to be greater than 15 |